Unemployment Rate
Request for Qualifications
23 Aug 2021
Project Name and Description: Snohomish County Asset Mapping and Stakeholder Access Tool
Company: Snohomish STEM Network
808 134th Street SW, Ste 101, Everett, WA 98204
Procurement Contact Person: Angie Sievers
Telephone of PCP: 425.248.4221
Email of PCP: angies@snohomishSTEM.org
Snohomish STEM Network is an organization affiliated with Economic Alliance Snohomish County serving Snohomish County students, K-12 and post-secondary institutions, industry, government and non-profit organizations. The STEM Network convenes various interests to scale best practices and provide access for career exploration and development to all students residing in Snohomish County. Network stakeholders provide organizational direction for activities, programs, and advocacy, strengthening community and workforce development outcomes.
Snohomish County reflects engaged, invested stakeholders in all interests mentioned. There is considerable work to be done in connecting learning experiences throughout the K-16 education system to ensure all graduates are well positioned for continued education as well as the high demand careers in the region.
Project Goals, Target Audience
The successful applicant will build on existing data that will serve as a comprehensive foundation for Snohomish County Career Connected Learning (CCL) planning purposes. The information will highlight CCL themes important to consider in the regional strategic planning process.
Utilizing the baseline data, the selected contractor will work with the STEM Network to define key elements, will serve as a foundation of directory reflecting current opportunity for Snohomish STEM Network Stakeholders to leverage additional programs, opportunities, and relationships benefiting the system. It has been suggested one possible solution to reflect ongoing system changes is a web-based service or tool that would be established on the Snohomish STEM Network website, whereas the contractor will provide recommendation for such a solution.
Scope of Work & Deliverables
The contractor will conduct research online and through stakeholder meetings that supports the creation of an inventory, and report and recommendations including:
• Career Advising and Support, Employer Engagement and Work-Based Learning, Leadership and System Development Assets and Programs,
• CCL System Strategies: Career Exploration/Awareness, Career Connected Learning, College and Career Related Learning Experiences with Mentoring and Coaching, Worksite Learning, Career Launch,
• Student Education Programing opportunities: sourced from existing Network partners and others within the region who would provide student/industry benefit
• Suggestions for next phase of development within the Snohomish County Career Connected Learning community,
• Web based Solution Recommendations: reflecting the baseline assets identified in this scope of work. Identification of a few solutions and system implementation cost estimates and contact information for next steps, in exhibit or appendices.
The final report will include:
- a summary of findings,
- suggest the next phase of development within the Snohomish County Career Connected Learning community,
- an amendment to the report providing recommendations for how to present this information electronically, in an interactive, revisable format.
Snohomish STEM Network needs the project to be completed no later than December 31, 2019 if not before.
Anticipated Selection Schedule
The request for Proposal timeline is as follows:
Request for RFQ: July 19, 2019
Snohomish STEM Network Responds to Bidder Questions via email to the organization or individual posing the questions: July 26, 2019
RFQ Due: July 31, 2019
Selection of Top Bidders/Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders: August 5, 2019
Finalist interviews: August 7 and August 8, 2019 Contract Award/Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders: On or before August 14, 2019
Respondents to the RFQ must submit copies of their proposal to Angie Sievers at angies@snohomishstem.org no later than EOB July 24, 2019. The RFQ should be clearly marked RFQ-Snohomish Asset Map and Tool.
Elements of Demonstrated Qualifications
At minimum, proposals must include the following components, limited to 5 pages:
• Description of the firm including general overview, names and credentials of project manager.
• Narrative outlining strengths and distinguishing characteristics and capabilities as related to the Snohomish STEM Network, and the proposed project/scope of work.
• A relative representative selection of work for current and past clients.
Evaluation Criteria
The successful respondent will:
• Have general knowledge, relationships, and experience working in Snohomish County as it relates to industry, workforce development, non-profit and K-16 learning communities.
• Provide education background, experience, and skills of the person available to provide these services.
• Demonstrate familiarity with implementing and/or development of web-based solutions
Snohomish STEM Network’s budget for the project is $8,000