Capabilities Statement - Writing for Impact

Event Promo Photo For Capabilities Statement - Writing for Impact


October 29 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM


No Fee



Does your Capabilities Statement convey the value you bring to government agencies? If the answer is "no," then this workshop is for you. A Capability Statement is as a marketing tool for networking and developing relationships with local, state and federal government agencies. Marketing your firm's strengths through a capabilities statement is one of the first steps in being successful with government contracting. Be prepared to create or improve your firm's capabilities statement. Sandy Bjorgen will lead us through how to write for impact and convey the benefit of working with your firm. We will also share suggestions for the following elements: Opening Statement - Is it compelling? Do you want to read further? Distinctive Core Competencies Differentiators Key Personnel Experience (new firms) Past Performance (established firms) Testimonials Contact Information Appropriate Codes and Certifications Creating a Capability Statement which answers the question "WHY YOU" instead of the incumbent or competition takes practice. Please join us on October 29th to learn more about writing for impact.