Washington Data Workshop for Business

Event Promo Photo For Washington Data Workshop for Business

March 21 3:30 PM - April 13, 2023 5:00 PM



(360) 255-7870

Find the Gold in your Data

Augment your natural instincts with information that will maximize innovation, growth, and resiliency, while minimizing risk and strategic mistakes. Find new business opportunities. Identify operational efficiencies.

Who Should Attend This Workshop?

This workshop is designed for leaders, management, and decision makers in small to medium businesses. Learn how to incorporate data analytics into your problem solving processes and strategic decisions. Priority will be given to businesses in Northwest Washington. No prior technical or mathematical knowledge is required for this workshop, only openness to data and evidence-driven decision-making.

A Chorus of Experts

Jennifer Noveck, Ph.D. has a decade of experience utilizing data in a wide variety of fields. In addition she holds a certificate from the University of Washington’s Center for Statistics in the Social Sciences. She is joined by data analytics experts and small business executives to share their experiences with the role of data as the foundation for building innovation into the success of your business.

Workshop Details

The Washington Data Workshop series will be held in in January-Febrary 2023 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00pm PST via Zoom. Tuesday sessions will be focused on presenting new information and tools. Thursday sessions will be focused on practical application of the information and tools to businesses, with break out sessions where the participant’s businesses are the main focus.

Week 1: What is data analytics? How can data be used in innovation and resiliency in all industries (manufacturing, retail, medical, etc?)

Week 2: How to get started. How can small businesses, including start-ups with little to no data collected, start to use data to make decisions? How can you create a business culture that values data, evidence-based decision-making, and that is open to changing course?

Week 3: What data is available? What data tools are available for collection, management, and analyses?

Week 4: Should I hire or contract with a data analyst or data analysis company? Or should I train myself and/or staff in data analytics?